About Us

Birth 2 Potty began in 2009 , the 5th baby of a nappy mad mum called Lisa. Registered as a Community Interest Company in 2010, it is about much more than selling nappies!

The Journey So Far…..

Whilst expecting baby number 3, I began the customary joining of various forums, groups where expectant mums, due at the same time, could chat and while away our pregnancies, comparing prams, cots, birth plans and everything in between. It was through such a forum that I became aware of some wonderful reusable nappies, I saw the pictures, read of the excitement as “fluffly post” landed on doormats, and quickly started researching.

I quickly found that there were very few options available here in the UK, whilst my forum buddies overseas posted pictures of amazingly simple and brightly coloured nappies, the few shops and websites here that had ventured into cloth nappies, sold a very meagre range, from which I could not find anything that particularly inspired me to invest £100s of pounds into a system I couldn’t see in action. Like so many others, I decided it was something I would look into later….

Upon the arrival of number 3, I had not as yet made the decision of which nappy to use, I had, like so many, just collected my free samples and vouchers from the various maternity packs and pregnancy magazines and fallen into the sleep deprived routine of caring for a newborn. After a couple of weeks, I noticed that my little girls bottom was very sore, no amount of creams seemed to help, and so the hours of trawling the internet for answer began. Very quickly I found myself reading reports of what disposable nappies are made of, in the 9 years since my older children had been in them, it seemed that the components had changed to include all manner of nasties and I became convinced that it was this that was causing my baby’s bottom to crack and bleed!

I began the search for cloth nappies again, I had a wonderful lady come a long way to show me the nappies she had to offer, a small choice by today's standards, but I could actually see and feel them! I was most grateful for her advice and the time she spent explaining the pros and cons of each type, but I still wanted the choice my overseas friends had and so my addiction to fluff began..

I started by buying 18 sized pocket nappies, 6 fitted “night” nappies and 3 wraps from my lovely advisor, this gave me plenty to be getting along with. I then began buying odd nappies from all over the world, Happy Heinys from the States, Peapods from Australia and on and on and on…

Since then the nappy world has grown into something really amazing, there are now so many more types, fabrics and brands that we are spoiled for choice! Baby number 4 was born and my addiction grew, having spent 2 years telling anyone who would listen about the virtues of cloth nappies, I decided to put my money where my mouth was and become a WAHM, advising parents on nappies and supplying an ever increasing range of nappies. I will not sell anything that has not been tested on my own children.

During the course of the last two years, I have had the pleasure of coming into contact with some amazingly talented people, making beautiful products. The decision to register as a Community Interest Company (not for profit) was made as I feel it is essential that these small businesses and Work At Home Parents should be given every opportunity to grow their business. Birth 2 Potty aims to encourage and support such enterprise wherever possible, by stocking and selling their products, holding groups and classes (including those provided by HMRC) and promoting their work in all areas. In November 2010 Birth 2 Potty won a Business of the Year Award (best social enterprise).

Last year we opened our first shop in Leigh, Lancs. Here we are able to offer the groups (as mentioned above) as well as an ever growing programme of activities such as music groups for babies and toddlers, baby massage, baby sensory and much more. We also extended our product range to include traditional toys, and incorporated another local business into the fold, to offer slings, wraps, mei tais etc. The product range just keeps on growing, so watch this space..

Despite it’s growth, the business remains very true to it’s roots, offering unbiased advice and demonstrations as requested, we are not here to simply sell nappies, but to help parents to make an informed choice and offer customer service second to none. I am thrilled that many of my customers have in fact become my suppliers and friends, testament, I believe, to the genuine service we offer.

My advisor 4 years ago was a lovely lady by the name of Jeanette, I believe she ceased to demonstrate and sell nappies not long after, but hope that she will one day see this, and see what she started!!!


Birth 2 Potty Registered address is : 343 leigh road, Hindley green, Wigan, WN2 4XL

Birth 2 Potty Shop address is : 11 The Centre, Coronation Drive, Higher Folds, Leigh, WN7 2UT

Phone : 07920106608